November 25, 2020 – Give Thanks

Good evening, and welcome to the Thanksgiving Eve streaming service of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross in Dunn Loring, Virginia. You may have learned in school that Abraham Lincoln was the first American president to call for a day of Thanksgiving as a national observance. Not true. Lincoln established the continuing tradition of […]

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November 15, 2020 – Taking a Risk

You know, this year—2020—has made us aware of things that we haven’t considered much in the past. I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly more aware of my own health. I feel less confident about the future than I did a year ago, both for myself and for our nation. And I reflect on […]

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November 8, 2020 – Preparations

I need to start by making a couple of confessions. When I first read today’s assigned Gospel passage, my first thought was, “Score! An easy parable.” And my second thought was, “Yikes! So, what is there to say about it?” And my third thought was rather irreverent: “Wow! New Testament preppers!” Y’all know about preppers, […]

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Good morning. Welcome to those who have gathered this morning for socially-distanced worship here at the Church of the Holy Cross. And welcome to those worshiping with us online. Today’s Gospel reading from Matthew Chapter 22 contains what may be the most well-known passage in the New Testament.[1] Verse 39: “You shall love your neighbor […]

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