Fifth Station: Simon of Cyrene Takes the Cross


LUKE 23:26

As they led him away, they seized a man, Simon of Cyrene, who was coming from the country, and made him carry the cross behind Jesus.


We know only that an African helped carry the cross, as Jesus’ physical body failed under the strain. Simon is the man who helps others when called upon, the quiet man in the crowd who does what is right and kind. The soldiers compelled his action, but he willingly lifted up the heavy crossbeam.


PSALM 18:6-7

I called upon the Lord in my distress
And cried out to my God for help.
He heard my voice from his heavenly dwelling;
My cry of anguish came to his ears.
Give thanks for the man from Africa who helped Jesus.


Pray for—

  • • those from all nations around the world, that they might be led to greater understanding and cooperation between nations. That they might respect the humanity and dignity of all those individuals, and that they might foster mutual respect and security between nations.
  • • the onlookers, for the simple citizens caught in the middle of violence, and for those thrust into public service.

Give thanks for those who accept responsibilities when called upon, and who carry out their task with kindness.


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